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Central Food License Consultants in Bapuji Nagar, Bangalore

SAHU & ASSOCIATES: We are Central Food License Consultants in Bapuji Nagar, Bangalore.

Central Food License is applicable typically on large business with annual turnover above Rs.20 crores. It is also required in cases where you need to supply at the government offices or import / export food products.

Food business operators such as the Importers, 100% Export Oriented Units, large manufacturers, operators in the Central Government agencies, airports, seaports etc are however required to obtain a Central Food License. The Central license is issued by the Central Government. Furthermore, FBOs have to obtain the Central License for their head office, and if they have operations in more than 1 state. It is thus mostly for the units who are having an annual turnover which is greater than 20 crores.

Where to find us

Central Food License Consultants